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Maintaining the long-term stability of our schools and by extension, our community.

We don’t have perfect schools, but we do have strong schools that are the backbone of this community.  Every decision the board makes must ensure this continues for future generations.

I see our public schools as the hubs and hearts of our communities. Strong family and community engagement, however, is not a given. I want to build safe, two-way dialogue for all. Successful partnerships require trust among schools, families and community members.

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Ensuring that every student in our district has the opportunity to thrive.

Every student should leave our school system prepared to be a happy and contributing member of society.  I will help accomplish this by focusing on the outcomes of our curriculum and programming, supporting our teachers, social workers and support staff, and always remaining compassionate in the board’s discourse and policymaking. 

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Addressing student technology and social media use in schools

Our phones and social media certainly bring convenience and connection to our lives, and we have to learn to live alongside and within it. However, social media can also bring disruption, create anxiety and result in solitude and loneliness - especially in the developing brains of our kids.   

I would like district leaders and the board to take a serious look at our guidelines, keeping in mind the need to focus on behavior, not technology, and craft policies to establish best practices. 

"It is vital then that schools — where children spend most of their time outside of the home — consider their role in addressing healthy social media and technology usage. While concerns about adolescent social media use and mental health persist, many current policies fail to adequately address social media, its associations with mental health, and potential educational interventions that can help mitigate negative effects and promote positive ones."

— Katherine C. Rohn, Adam M. McCready, Kelly Farrell, and Ayaa Elgoharry, researchers from the UConn Neag School of Education's Center for Education Policy Analysis, Research, and Evaluation.

My wife also recently wrote an article about the topic, which aligns with my perspective - I encourage you to read it below. 


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Bryan Dahl for School Board
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